Posts tagged with Huawei-LUNA2000
Running evcc on Synology with Huawei, go-e and VW
2023-11-10 20:27:00 UTCToday we’ll continue with the topic of solar charging, or in other words how we optimized our photovoltaic (PV) system and electric car charging station (wallbox) to make best use of our solar power. A previous post already outlines why we choose the open-source software evcc for this optimization, now…
Comparing evcc and the go-e Controller for solar charging
2023-11-06 13:58:00 UTCThis year we replaced both our cars with electric vehicles, an Volkswagen ID.Buzz and an ID.4. As everyone is probably aware, costs of electricity have been rising steeply recently, and are much higher than what is paid for the surplus of our photovoltaic (PV) system. Therefore, we wanted to optimize…